
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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    Exportados 8 resultados:
      S. Cobreces, E. Bueno, D. Pizarro, y F. J. Rodriguez, «Grid Impedance Monitoring System for DistributedPower Generation Electronic Interfaces», IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , vol. 58, n.º. 9, p. 3112-3121, 2009.
      S. Cobreces, E. Bueno, D. Pizarro, y F. J. Rodriguez, «Grid Impedance Monitoring System for DistributedPower Generation Electronic Interfaces», IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement , vol. 58, n.º. 9, p. 3112 - 3121 , 2009.
      F. J. Rodriguez, C. Girón, E. Bueno, y Á. Hernández, «Remote Laboratory of experimentation with multilevel power converters», IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electrónics , vol. 56, p. 2450 - 2463 , 2009.

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