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    Non-linear trajectory generation and lateral control new algorithms to minimize platoon's oscillations

    TítuloNon-linear trajectory generation and lateral control new algorithms to minimize platoon's oscillations
    Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
    Año de publicación2004
    AutoresAwawdeh, ABMH, Espinosa, F, Mazo, M
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Conference NameACC'04. IEEE, American Control Conference, 2004
    Numero de volúmenes6
    Páginas3345 - 3350
    EditorialIEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA
    Conference LocationBoston, MA, U.S.A.
    Fecha de publicación2004
    Numero ISBN0-7803-8335-4
    Numero ISSN0743-1619
    Palabras clavekinematics, minimisation, oscillations, position control, road vehicles

    The lateral and longitudinal oscillations in a platoon of vehicles depend, fundamentally, on how the reference trajectory of the followers is generated and how the lateral and longitudinal control is designed. In this paper new algorithms are presented to reduce some of these problems. One of them takes charge in generating the reference trajectory of the followers by means of a series of points, where the separation distance between them is based on the kinematics of the vehicle, the trajectory curvature, and on the permissible distance error. The other one, the lateral control algorithm, takes charge of following the desired trajectory (the generated one). This algorithm is based on the "look-ahead distance" strategy. In addition, this paper presents simulation results for these algorithms and the comparison of the proposed lateral control with other published one.

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