
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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K. Mannay, J. Ureña, Á. Hernández, D. Gualda, and J. M. Villadangos, “Analysis of performance of Ultrasonic Local Positioning Systems for 3D Spaces”, in 2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning Systems., 2017, vol. 1, p. 1-10.
S. Murano, et al., “Doppler Effect Analysis on Zadoff-Chu and Kasami Sequences for an Ultrasonic LPS”, in 2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning Systems., Sapporo, Japon , 2017, p. 1-10.
M. Colombo, C. D. Marzziani, Á. Hernández, and J. Ureña, “Low-complexity timing synchronization for OFDM based on CAZAC and Golay sequences”, in IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband (ICUWB'17), , Salamanca, España, 2017, vol. 1, 1 vol., p. 1-10.
T.Aguilera, J. Ureña, F.Alvarez, D. Gualda, J. M. Villadangos, and Á. Hernández, “Performance Improvement of an Ultrasonic LPS by applying a Multipath Compensation Algorithm.”, in 2017 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference , Turin Italia , 2017, vol. 1, p. 1-10.
J. M. Alcalá, J. Ureña, and Á. Hernández, “Improving Accuracy in Load Identification using Principal Component Analysis and Power Trajectories.”, in 3rd European Workshop on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM European workshop)., London (United Kingdom, 2016, p. 1-10.
J. M. Alcalá, J. Ureña, Á. Hernández, and D. Gualda, “ Symbolic Localization using NILM from only Smart Meter Data.”, in International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2016)., Alcala de Henares, España , 2016, p. 1-10.
J. Ureña, et al., “Technical Description of Locate_US: an Ultrasonic Local Positioning System based on Encoded Beacons.”, in 2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning Systems., 2016, p. 1-10.
C. Diego, A. Jimenez, and Á. Hernández, “Ultrasonic Phased Array based on LS Sequences for Reflector Positioning.”, in International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2016)., Alcala de Henares, Madrid , España , 2016, p. 1-10.
Y.Yuan, Y. Yang, and Á. Hernández, “Track Circuit Improvement with High-Voltage Impulse Enconding.”, in 21th IEEE International Conference on Emergy Technologies and Factory (ETFA 2016)., Berlin, Alemania, 2016, p. 1-10.
Á. Hernández, “Efficient Hardware Architectures for Local Positioning Systems.”, in Journée Thématique GDR SOC-SIP Indoor Localization Systems and Implementation , Paris, Francia, 2016, p. 1-10.
E. García, J. Ureña, D. Gualda, and Á. Hernández, “Discrete Multitone Modulation for Ultrasonic Indoor Positioning Systems”, in Sixth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2015), Banff (Canadá), 2015, p. 1-4.
Á. Hernández, et al., “Flexible Ultrasonic Beacon Unit Based on SoC for Local Positioning Systems”, in Sixth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2015), Banff (Canadá), 2015, p. 1-4.
J. M. Alcalá, J. Ureña, and Á. Hernández, “Activity Supervision Tool using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Systems”, in Conference on Emerging Technologies & Facgory Automation (ETFA 2015), Luxemburgo, 2015, p. 1-4.
P. Pajuelo, et al., “Implementation of indoor positioning algorithms using Android smartphones”, in Conference on Emerging Technologies & Facgory Automation (ETFA 2015), , Luxemburgo, 2015, p. 1-4.
P. Poudereux, R. Mateos, Á. Hernández, and F. Cruz, “Study of Suitable Filter Architectures for FBMC Techniques Applied to PLC Communications”, in Conference on Emerging Technologies & Facgory Automation (ETFA 2015, Luxemburgo, 2015, p. 1-4.
R. Gutiérrez, Á. Hernández, J. J. Garcái, and W. Marnane, “SoC-based Architecture for Biomedical Signal Processing”, in 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015)., Milan, Italia, 2015, p. 1-16.
E. García, P. Poudereux, Á. Hernández, J. Ureña, and D. Gualda, “A robust UWB indoor positioning system for highly complex environments”, in 2015 IEEE International Conferencie on Industrial Technology, Sevilla, España, 2015, p. 1-10.
J. Ureña, et al., “Ultrasonic local positioning system for mobile robot navigation: from low to high level processing”, in 2015 IEEE International Conferencie on Industrial Technology, Sevilla, España, 2015, p. 1-10.
J. M. Alcalá, J. Ureña, and Á. Hernández, “Encoded total focusing method for improving data acquisition rate”, in 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOIMAGING, Lisboa, Portugal, 2015, vol. 1, p. 1-10.
E. Garcia, et al., “Hardware implementation of an efficient correlator for Golay Pairs Derived from Kernels of Lengths 2, 10 and 26.”, in XXIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 14 , Madrid, España, 2014, p. 1-4.
M. C. Perez, Á. Hernández, and R. Mateos, “Promoting student autonomy in the electronic desing course.”, in XXIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 14 , Madrid, España, 2014, p. 1-4.
F. Pérez, J. Ureña, F. D. Ruiz, Á. Hernández, E. Garcia, and P. Poudereux, “Design of a System-On-Chip for controlling an ultrasonic beacon array”, in Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA’14, Barcelona, España, 2014, p. 1-4.
J. M. Alcalá, J. Ureña, and Á. Hernández, “Event-based Detector for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring based on the Hilbert Transform”, in Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA’14, Barcelona, España, 2014, p. 1-4.
P. Poudereux, R. Mateos, Á. Hernández, and F. Cruz, “FPGA-based Implementation of a Filter Bank-based Transmultiplexer for Multicarrier Communications”, in Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA’14, Barcelona, España, 2014, p. 1-4.
C. D. Marzziani, et al., “Detección de señales codificadas con correlación generalizada cruzada en UWB-LPS”, in Biennial Congress of Argentina (ARGENCON 2014), Bariloche (Argentina), 2014, p. 640-644.
F. M. Sanchez, R. Mateos, E. J. Bueno, Á. Hernández, and J. Mingo, “Virtual platform for reliable fpga implementation of power electronics algorithms”, in International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems. ELECTRIMACS 2014, Valencia, España, 2014, p. 1-5.
JC.Garcia, et al., “Characterization of railway line impedance based only on short-circuit measurements”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applicaions , vol. 43, no. 8, p. 984-994, 2014.
I. Fernandez, et al., “Characterization of railway line impedance based only on shortcircuit measurements”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Application , p. 1-7, 2014.
M. C. del Pérez, J. C. Garcia, J. A. Jimenez, F. Espinosa, and Á. Hernández, “Characterization of railway line impedance based only on short-circuit measurements”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 43, no. 8, p. 984-994, 2014.

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