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Robust system for partially occluded people detection in RGB images

TítuloRobust system for partially occluded people detection in RGB images
Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AutoresBaptista-Rios, M, Marron-Romera, M, Losada-Gutierrez, C, Lozano, JAngel Cruz, del Abril, A
Conference Name12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications.
Date Published03/2017
ISBN Number978-989-758-225-7)

This work presents a robust system for people detection in RGB images. The proposal increases the robustness of previous approaches against partial occlusions, and it is based on a bank of individual detectors whose results are combined using a multimodal association algorithm. Each individual detector is trained for a different body part (full body, half top, half bottom, half left and half right body parts). It consists of two elements: a feature extractor that obtains a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) descriptor, and a Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification. Several experimental tests have been carried out in order to validate the proposal, using INRIA and CAVIAR datasets, that have been widely used by the scientific community. The obtained results show that the association of all the body part detections presents a better accuracy that any of the parts individually. Regarding the body parts, the best results have been obtained for the full body and half top body.


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by Dr. Radut