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«Headgear Accessories Classification Using an Overhead Depth Sensor», Sensors, vol. 17, n.º 8, p. 1845, 2017.
J. Tejedor, Macias-Guarasa, J., Martins, H. F., Piote, D., Pastor-Graells, J., Martin-Lopez, S., Corredera, P., y Gonzalez-Herraez, M., «A Novel Fiber Optic Based Surveillance System for Prevention of Pipeline Integrity Threats», Sensors, vol. 17, n.º 2, p. 19, 2017.
A. Fernandez-Rincon, Fuentes-Jimenez, D., Losada-Gutierrez, C., Marron-Romera, M., Luna, C. A., Macias-Guarasa, J., y Mazo, M., «Robust People Detection and Tracking from an overhead Time-of-Flight Camera», in 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications., Porto, Portugal, 2017, pp. 556-564.
C. A. Luna, Losada-Gutierrez, C., Fuentes-Jimenez, D., Fernandez-Rincon, A., Mazo, M., y Macias-Guarasa, J., «Robust People Detection Using Depth Information from an Overhead Time-of-Flight Camera», Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 71, pp. 240-256, 2017.
J. Tejedor, Macias-Guarasa, J., Martins, H. F., Piote, D., Pastor-Graells, J., Martin-Lopez, S., Corredera, P., de Pauw, G., De Smet, F., Postvoll, W., Ahlen, C. H., y Gonzalez-Herraez, M., «Towards detection of Pipeline Integrity Threats using a SmarT fiber-OPtic surveillance system: PIT-STOP project Blind Field Test results», in 2016 International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors (OFS25), Jeju, Korea, 2017, pp. 1-4.

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by Dr. Radut