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    Detection of moving objects in railway using vision

    TítuloDetection of moving objects in railway using vision
    Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
    Año de publicación2004
    AutoresVazquez, JF, Mazo, M, Lazaro, JL, Luna, CA, Ureña, J, Garcia, JJ, Cabello, J, Hierrezuelo, L
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Conference Name2004 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium.
    EditorialIEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA
    Conference LocationParma, Italia
    Fecha de publicación06/2004
    Numero ISBN0-7803-8310-9
    Palabras clavecomputer vision, image motion analysis, matrix algebra, object detection, principal component analysis, railways

    In this paper, a new strategy to detect motion object in railway is presented, using vision and Principal Components Analysis (PCA). For this purpose, a set of images of the railway static environment is first captured to obtain the transformation matrix that used in PCA. By means of this matrix, the successive images are projected in the transformation space and recovered. The motion detection is performed, evaluating the Euclidean distance between the original and recovered images. The image regions whose Euclidean distance are greater than a threshold, are considered like belonging to motion objects. The new of our system is the utilization of a method to obtain an adaptive threshold that allows to classify, within an image, zones without motion (background) and motion objects. A system with dynamic adjustment of this threshold is proposed, which it compensates to a great extent, illumination and others environmental conditions variations founded in outdoor spaces. Anyway, to show the validity and robustness of this method, the system has been implemented practically.

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