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    Fuzzy Decentralized Control for guidance of a convoy of robots in non-linear trajectories

    TítuloFuzzy Decentralized Control for guidance of a convoy of robots in non-linear trajectories
    Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
    Año de publicación2010
    AutoresSantos, C, Espinosa, F, Pizarro, D, Valdés, F, Santiso, E, Díaz, I
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Conference NameIEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2010
    Fecha de publicación09/2010

    This article presents a control solution for the guidance of wheeled convoy units in non-linear trajectories. The proposal consists of a Mamdani fuzzy
    controller to solve the Decentralized Control problem as applied to a set of units following a leader, whilst guaranteeing the so called “string stability” condition of the convoy.
    Fuzzy control design is described for each of the follower units, whose action is determined by their own motion state, that of its predecessor and the leader’s trajectory. The “string stability” is ensured by the adjustment of the linear velocity transfer function for each unit.
    Results are given for simulated and experimental trials carried out with P3-DX robot units sharing a wireless network.

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