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    Reduction of vibration-induced errors in 3D measurement systems with vision and structured light.

    TítuloReduction of vibration-induced errors in 3D measurement systems with vision and structured light.
    Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
    Año de publicación2005
    AutoresLuna, CA, Vazquez, JF, Mazo, M, Lazaro, JL
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Conference NameISIE'05. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics.
    Numero de volúmenes4
    EditorialIEEE, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA
    Conference LocationDubrovnik, Croatia
    Fecha de publicación06/2005
    Numero ISBN0-7803-8738-4
    Palabras clavecameras, image processing, measurement systems, vibrations

    In a 3D measurement system (3DMS) using triangulation and vision (i.e. laser and camera), it is necessary to know, with high precision, the rotation angles of the camera and the laser with respect to the object on which the 3D-coordinate measurements are desired. A small variation of these angles causes significant errors. In a previous work, to measure the rotation angle variations of the camera and the laser under vibrations, a system that uses two area cameras and two artificial marks were presented. In this work, a new solution based on a sensor with two line scans and two artificial marks are proposed. The models and procedures to achieve the measurement of the rotation angles of the camera and the laser, as well as the results obtained after simulations, are also presented.

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