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    Interfaz Hombre-Maquina mediante un Sensor de Posicion sin Contacto por Infrarrojos. Aplicacion al Control de una Silla de Ruedas Avanzada

    TítuloInterfaz Hombre-Maquina mediante un Sensor de Posicion sin Contacto por Infrarrojos. Aplicacion al Control de una Silla de Ruedas Avanzada
    Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
    Año de publicación2005
    AutoresGarcia, JC, Christensen, HV, Mazo, M
    Idioma de publicaciónSpanish
    Conference NameSeminario Anual de Automatica, Electronica Industrial e Instrumentacion (SAAEI´05)
    Numero de volúmenes1
    Conference LocationSantander, España
    Fecha de publicación09/2005
    Numero ISBN84-8102-964-5
    Palabras claveAutonomous Wheelchair, Human-Machine Interfaces, Infrared beacons

    This paper presents a new human-machine interface that has been successfully applied in driving an advanced powered wheelchair. The position of the head is determined by use of infrared sensors, with no parts attached to the head of the
    user. The placement of the infrared sensors is behind the head of the user, so that the field of view is not limited. Tests on a wheelchair have shown that the system is functioning in real life, and that the vehicle can be driven at normal speeds in a simple and natural way. The behaviour of the sensor and the generated commands are fully programmable, so it can be easily adapted to other constrains or capabilities of potential users.


    This paper presents a new human-machine interface that has been successfully applied in driving an advanced powered wheelchair. The position of the head is determined by use of infrared sensors, with no parts attached to the head of the
    user. The placement of the infrared sensors is behind the head of the user, so that the field of view is not limited. Tests on a wheelchair have shown that the system is functioning in real life, and that the vehicle can be driven at normal speeds in a simple and natural way. The behaviour of the sensor and the generated commands are fully programmable, so it can be easily adapted to other constrains or capabilities of potential users.

    Interfaz_Hombre-Maquina_mediante_un_Sensor_SAAEI_JC-GARCIA_05.pdf447.35 KB

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