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    PCA-Based Classification for 3D Ultrasonic Reflectors

    TítuloPCA-Based Classification for 3D Ultrasonic Reflectors
    Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
    Año de publicación2007
    AutoresOchoa, A, Ureña, J, Hernández, Á, Mazo, M, Jimenez, JA, del Perez, MC
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Conference Name5th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP2007)
    Conference LocationAlcalá de Henares, España
    Fecha de publicación3/10/2007
    Numero ISBN1-4244-0829-6
    Palabras clavePCA, Ultrasonic

    In this work a classification system for basic ultrasonic reflectors (plane, corner and edge) in three-dimensional (3D) environments is presented. The
    classification system is based on the principal component analysis (PCA) technique and the times-of-flight (TOF) are used as classification parameter. The system provides a sensorial structure to simultaneously obtain up to 16 TOF in every emission/scanning process. With the set of obtained TOF, it is possible to identify the ultrasonic reflector, as well as its position and range in 3D environments. The results achieved by the classification system are satisfactory, since the three reflector types are identified and located in 3D environments.

    PCA-Based Classification for 3D Ultrasonic Reflectors.pdf7.04 MB

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