
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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    Modeling the Behavior of an Underwater Acoustic Relative Positioning System Based on Complementary Set of Sequences

    TítuloModeling the Behavior of an Underwater Acoustic Relative Positioning System Based on Complementary Set of Sequences
    Tipo de publicaciónJournal Article
    Año de publicación2011
    AutoresAparicio, J, Jiménez, A, Álvarez, FJ, Ureña, J, Marzziani, CD, Diego, C
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Revista académicaSensors
    Páginas11188 - 11205
    Fecha de publicación12/2011
    Palabras claveunderwater acoustic modeling; relative positioning system; complementary set of sequences; multidimensional scaling technique

    The great variability usually found in underwater media makes modeling a challenging task, but helpful for better understanding or predicting the performance of future deployed systems. In this work, an underwater acoustic propagation model is presented. This model obtains the multipath structure by means of the ray tracing technique. Using this model, the behavior of a relative positioning system is presented. One of the main advantages of relative positioning systems is that only the distances between all the buoys are needed to obtain their positions. In order to obtain the distances, the propagation times of acoustic signals coded by Complementary Set of Sequences (CSS) are used. In this case, the arrival instants are obtained by means of correlation processes. The distances are then used to obtain the position of the buoys by means of the Multidimensional Scaling Technique (MDS). As an early example of an application using this relative positioning system, a tracking of the position of the buoys at different times is performed. With this tracking, the surface current of a particular region could be studied. The performance of the system is evaluated in terms of the distance from the real position to the estimated one.


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