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    Integral System for Assisted Mobility

    TítuloIntegral System for Assisted Mobility
    Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
    Año de publicación1999
    AutoresMazo, M, Rodriguez, FJ, Ureña, J, Garcia, JC, Lazaro, JL, Espinosa, F
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Conference Name2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Control (IC'98)
    Páginas361 - 364
    EditorialJoint Conference on Information Sciences
    Conference LocationDurham, USA
    Fecha de publicación01/11/1999
    Numero ISBN0-9643456-7-6
    Palabras clavewheelchair guidance

    This article presents the SIAMO (Spanish acronym for Integral System for Assisted Mobility) project, a work carried out in the field of electronic systems for the
    guidance of autonomous wheelchairs as an assistance device for the disabled or the elderly. These electronic systems have been designed to meet a wide range of needs experienced by users of this type of wheelchair. One of the most important features is modularity, making the systems adaptable to the particular needs of each user according to the type and degree of handicap involved. The overall system includes an innovative user-machine interface, a complete sensory subsystem (ultrasonic,
    infrared, vision, etc), and an advanced strategy of control and navigation. This allows different alternatives for guidance and guarantees user safety and comfort.

    An Integral System for assisted mobility.pdf798.25 KB

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