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Título | Modular Architecture for Wheelchairs with Environment Integration Capabilities |
Tipo de publicación | Conference Paper |
Año de publicación | 1999 |
Autores | Garcia, JC, Mazo, M, Ureña, J, Marron, M, Escudero, MS, Sebastian, E |
Idioma de publicación | English |
Conference Name | 5TH European Conference on the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE'99) |
Volumen | 6 |
Páginas | 214-219 |
Editorial | Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe |
Conference Location | Düsseldorf, R. F. Alemania |
Fecha de publicación | 30/10/1999 |
Numero ISBN | 1-58603-001-9 |
Palabras clave | environment integration, Wheelchair |
Resumen | This paper presents the results of research work carried out in the field of electronic systems for the automation of powered wheelchairs for the disabled and/or the elderly. These electronic systems have been designed to meet a wide range of needs experienced by the users of this type of wheelchairs. Several interesting features are: modularity, making them adaptable to the particular needs of each user according to the type and degree of handicap involved; interoperatibility, by using a standard Serial Bus equipments coming from different builders can be easily incorporated on-board; and environment integration, because that Serial Bus is one of the broadest in use for Building Automation. |
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