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    Modular Architecture for Wheelchairs with Environment Integration Capabilities

    TítuloModular Architecture for Wheelchairs with Environment Integration Capabilities
    Tipo de publicaciónConference Paper
    Año de publicación1999
    AutoresGarcia, JC, Mazo, M, Ureña, J, Marron, M, Escudero, MS, Sebastian, E
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Conference Name5TH European Conference on the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE'99)
    EditorialAssociation for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe
    Conference LocationDüsseldorf, R. F. Alemania
    Fecha de publicación30/10/1999
    Numero ISBN1-58603-001-9
    Palabras claveenvironment integration, Wheelchair

    This paper presents the results of research work carried out in the field of electronic systems for the automation of powered wheelchairs for the disabled and/or the elderly. These electronic systems have been designed to meet a wide range of needs experienced by the users of this type of wheelchairs. Several interesting features are: modularity, making them adaptable to the particular needs of each user according to the type and degree of handicap involved; interoperatibility, by using a standard Serial Bus equipments coming from different builders can be easily incorporated on-board; and environment integration, because that Serial Bus is one of the broadest in use for Building Automation.

    1999-ARQ-Wheelcair-UAH.pdf735.07 KB

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