
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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Publicado por javier.macias el Viernes, 29 Octubre 2021 - 3:42pm

Buscamos dos investigadores predoctorales para trabajar en el proyecto de investigación "Análisis multisensorial de la actividad humana para el diagnóstico y la detección temprana de limitaciones funcionales" (PID2020-113118RB-C31), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.

Publicado por marta.marron el Miércoles, 13 Marzo 2019 - 4:18pm

 Today, at 16:30h the defense of the Final Project "Simple calibration proposal for video-surveillance applications" will take place in Sala 1 of the Electronics Department, at the Polytechnic School. It will be presented by Cosmin Lungu, Erasmus Student from the UNIVERSITATEA LUCIAN BLAGA DIN SIBIU, in Romania, tutored by professor Cristina Losada Gutierrez.

We invite all members of the group, and any other intersted in its reseach topics to attend to the defense.


Publicado por jesus.urena el Miércoles, 25 Febrero 2015 - 5:10pm

Ahí va un enlace:

Publicado por javier.macias el Martes, 8 Julio 2014 - 12:24pm

I'm pleased to announce that we have a new section in our Web page devoted to promoting open source initiaves within our Group.

Mario Manzano and Felipe Espinosa and  are the first ones in contributing their software to the community, but I encourage you all to also add your nice pieces of software and/or data to this section (if you are interested, please drop me a note).


Publicado por Anónimo el Miércoles, 23 Noviembre 2011 - 1:15pm

Stanford University offered three of their most popular computer science courses to the public this fall, online for free. The courses were so popular that Stanford’s doing it again in January.

This time they’re offering 7 computer science courses:

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