
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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    Exportados 9 resultados:
      M. Martinez, et al., «Electric Vehicle consumption estimation base don heuristic and milp artificial neural netwoork», in EUROPEAN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CONGRESS 2012 EEVC , Bruselas, Belgica, 2012, p. 1-4.
      G. Calandrini, A. Gardel, P. A. Revenga, y J. L. Lázaro, «GPU acceleration on embedded device, a powor consumption approach», in Third International Symposium on Advances in Embedded Systems and Applications, Liverpool, UK, 2012, p. 1-4.
      M. Mazo, et al., «Teaching Equipment for Training in the Control of DC, Brushless, and Stepper Servomotors», IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 41, n.º. 2, p. 146-158, 1998. Descargar: getPDF.pdf (384.86 KB)
      M. Mazo, et al., «Electronic control of a wheelchair guided by voice commands», Control Engineering Practice, vol. 3, n.º. 5, p. 665-674, 1995.
      M. Mazo, et al., «Electronic control for a wheel-chair guided by oral commands and ultrasonic and infrared sensors», Annual Review in Automatic Programming, vol. 19, p. 249-254, 1994.

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