
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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    Exportados 94 resultados:
      M. Martinez, E. Santiso, F. Espinosa, R. Nieto, y A. Gardel, «Smart laser scanner for event-based state estimation applied to indoor positioning», in Seventh Int. Conf. on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation. (IPIN-2016)., Alcala de Henares, España , 2016, p. 1-6.
      A. Gardel, F. Espinosa, R. Nieto, J. L. Lazaro, y I. Bravo, «Wireless camera nodes on a cyber-physical system», in 10th international conference on distributed smart camera (icdsc-2016), Paris , Francia , 2016, p. 1-10.
      M. Martinez, F. Espinosa, y A. Gardel, «Mobile robot guidance using adaptive event-based pose estimation and camera sensor», in EBCCSP-2016 Second International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing. , Cracovia, Polonia , 2016, p. 1-10.
      J. Garcia, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, J. L. Lazaro, M. Martinez, y D. Rodriguez, «Directional People Counter based on Heads Tracking», IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, n.º. 10, p. 3991- 4000, 2013. Abstract  Descargar: 2013_09_tie_directional_head_tracking_6226855.pdf (869.29 KB)
      J. Garcia, C. Kambhamettu, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, y J. L. Lazaro, «Features Accumulation on a Multiple View Oriented Model for Peaple Re-Identification», in Eurographics 2013 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval , Gosla, Germany, 2013, vol. 1, 2 vol., p. 105-019. Descargar: articulo_1.pdf (878.83 KB)
      J. Garcia, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, y J. L. Lazaro, «Tracking people motion base don extended condensation algorithm», IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. 43, n.º. 3, p. 606-618, 2013. Abstract  Descargar: 2013_smc_06425497.pdf (1.87 MB)
      A. Gardel, I. Bravo, P. A. Revenga, y J. L. Lazaro, «Implementation od industrial automation laboratories for E- learning», International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education , vol. 49, n.º. 4, p. 402-418, 2012.
      M. Martinez, J. Garcia, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, y J. L. Lazaro, «Detección y seguimiento de personas basado en esterrovisión y filtro de Kalma», Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial (RIAI) , vol. 9, n.º. 4, p. 453-461, 2012.
      D. Rodríguez, M. Martinez, J. García, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, y J. L. Lazaro, «Detección y seguimiento de personas basado en esterrovisión y filtro de Kalman», Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial , vol. 9, n.º. 4, p. 453-461, 2012.
      J. García, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, P. A. Revenga, y J. L. Lazaro, «Implementation od industrial automation laboratories for E- learning», International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education , vol. 49, n.º. 4, p. 402-418, 2012.
      M. Manzano, F. Espinosa, A. M. Bravo, D. Garcia, I. Bravo, y A. Gardel, «Medium access control based on non-cooperative cognitive radio for platooning communications.», in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. IV ’12 , Alcala de Henares, Madrid , 2012, p. 408-413.
      I. Bravo, A. Gardel, J. Olivares, J. M. Palomares, J. M. Soto, y J. C. Gámez, «Learning FPGA Design by a Methodology Based on Projects», International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 27, n.º. 3, p. 509-517, 2011.

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