
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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    Directional People Counter based on Heads Tracking

    TítuloDirectional People Counter based on Heads Tracking
    Tipo de publicaciónJournal Article
    Año de publicación2013
    AutoresGarcia, J, Gardel, A, Bravo, I, Lazaro, JL, Martinez, M, Rodriguez, D
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Revista académicaIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
    Páginas3991- 4000
    Fecha de publicación09/2013
    Lugar de publicaciónUSA
    JCR CategoryQ1
    Palabras clavehead detection, Kalman filter, people tracking., Terms—Dynamic background subtraction
    JCR Impact Factor5.160

    This paper presents an application for counting people
    through a single fixed camera. This system performs the count
    distinction between input and output of people moving through
    the supervised area. The counter requires two steps: detection and
    tracking. The detection is based on finding people’s heads through
    preprocessed image correlation with several circular patterns.
    Tracking is made through the application of a Kalman filter to
    determine the trajectory of the candidates. Finally, the system
    updates the counters based on the direction of the trajectories.
    Different tests using a set of real video sequences taken from
    different indoor areas give results ranging between 87% and 98%
    accuracies depending on the volume of flow of people crossing the
    counting zone. Problematic situations, such as occlusions, people
    grouped in different ways, scene luminance changes, etc., were
    used to validate the performance of the system.

    2013_09_tie_directional_head_tracking_6226855.pdf869.29 KB

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