
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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    Revistas internacionales

    Exportados 328 resultados:
      J. Tejedor, et al., «Towards Prevention of Pipeline Integrity Threats using a Smart Fiber Optic Surveillance System», Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 34, n.º. 19, p. 4445-4453, 2016.
      M. Manzano, F. Espinosa, A. M. Bravo, y A. Gardel, «Cognitive self-scheduled mechanism for access control in noisy vehicular AD», Mathematical Problems in Ingineering , vol. 1, n.º. ID 354292 , p. 1-12, 2015.
      D. Pizarro, A. Bartoli, y T. Collins, «Metric Corrections of the Affine Camera», Computer Vision and Image Understanding , vol. 135, p. 141 - 156 , 2015.
      D. Pizarro, A. Bartoli, Y. Gerend, y F. Chadebecq, «EMFi-based Ultrasonic Sensory Array for 3D Localization of Reflectors using Positioning Algorithms», IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and machine Intelligence , vol. 1, n.º. 1, p. 1-10, 2015.
      I. Fernandez, et al., «Characterization of railway line impedance based only on shortcircuit measurements», International Journal of Circuit Theory and Application , p. 1-7, 2014.
      JC.Garcia, et al., «Characterization of railway line impedance based only on short-circuit measurements», International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applicaions , vol. 43, n.º. 8, p. 984-994, 2014.
      M. Martinez, C. Santos, M. Mazo, F. Espinosa, y E. Santiso, «Adaptive Self-triggered Control for Remote Operation of Wifi Linked Robots», Springer. Special Issue: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. , vol. 253, p. 541-554. , 2014.
      J. Garcia, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, J. L. Lazaro, M. Martinez, y D. Rodriguez, «Directional People Counter based on Heads Tracking», IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 60, n.º. 10, p. 3991- 4000, 2013. Abstract  Descargar: 2013_09_tie_directional_head_tracking_6226855.pdf (869.29 KB)

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