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Título | Electronic application to evaluate the driver’s activity on the polluting emissions of road traffic |
Tipo de publicación | Conference Paper |
Año de publicación | 2009 |
Autores | Pérez, D, Espinosa, F, Mazo, M, Jimenez, JA, Santiso, E, Gardel, A |
Idioma de publicación | English |
Conference Name | AIR POLLUTION 2009Air Pollution XVII |
Volumen | 1 |
Páginas | 247 - 258 |
Editorial | WIT Press |
Conference Location | Tallinn, EstoniaSouthampton, UK |
Fecha de publicación | 07/2009 |
Numero ISSN | 1746-448X |
DOI | 10.2495/AIR090231 |
URL | |
Resumen | The polluting emissions (gases and particles) produced by the traffic of automobiles are directly related to the activity of vehicle, but they are also affected by the route conditions and moreover, by the driver’s behavior. However, PAMS commercial systems do not usually include elements to register this last component. This article presents an electronic system, specially designed to evaluate, ad-hoc, the effect of driver’s activity on polluting emissions. This electronic application integrates a hardware and a software component, both designed concerning MIVECO research project. From the hardware component the sensorial part stands out, formed by potentiometers connected to the pedals that control the vehicle and the inertial device, which allows one to evaluate the instantaneous accelerations in the x-y-z-axes as well as the turns with respect to these axes. Once the signals are conditioned and acquired, the software component processes them for on-line monitoring in a GUI and stores them in a database to facilitate its evaluation off-line. This electronic application has two important properties: it can be incorporated in any vehicle of the market (light or heavy, diesel or gasoline, pre or post-eobd) and it allows the capture and registration of information about the driver’s activity synchronously with PEMS (gases and/or particles) systems. The work includes experimental results obtained in an urban circuit in the city of Madrid. |