The main objective of the GEINTRA Research Group is developing basic and applied research activities, in topics related to intelligent spaces and transport systems. The structure of the GEINTRA research activity is shown in the following figure:
Our application areas are related to intelligent spaces and intelligent transport systems and are organized around 8 main research lines:
Sensors, sensor networks and sensor fusion
Localization and positioning systems
Mobile robotics
Human-Machine interfaces
e-health, indenpendent living and assistive technology
Intelligent transport and infrastructure systems
Distributed control and automation
Embedded digital systems, SOC, codesign.
To face these reseach lines, the Group has a solid experience in the following support technologies:
Computational vision
Infrarred systems
Speech and language processing technologies
Brain interface technologies
Technologies for the handicapped
Electronic control and communication systems
Design, implementation and test of electronic systems
From an organizative point of view, the Group is structured in 7 activity areas, dealing with the resarch lines mentioned above, according to the structure shown in the following figure:
Next, we include a more detailed list of the research lines for every activity area:
Audio-visual sensor systems (AV):
1.Detection, localization, tracking and identification of objects and people in intelligent spaces by audio-visual fusion
2.Autonomous robot navigation in intelligent spaces
3.Audio-visual human-machine interaction in intelligent spaces
4.Audio-visual techniques applied to monitorization, security and assitance in intelligent spaces
5.Information processing in smart meeting-rooms. Telepresence systems applied to 3D video-conferencing and virtual spaces ("Inmerse reality")
8.Security, monitoring and control of railway infraestructures
Industrial applications of computational vision. Quality control and inspection
Ultrasonic and radiofrequency sensor systems (US&RF)
Local positioning systems (LPS) and relative positioning systems
Propagation and channel identification modelling
Advance sensor systems for mobile robotics
Monitoring and assistance in intelligent spaces
Ultrasonic transducers: characterization and speci
Use of ultrasounds in underwater environments
Infrarred sensor systems (IR):
Infrarred sensor systems for metrology and positioning of mobile elements in intelligent spaces
Image building and transmision systems based on fiber optics
Network control systems (NCS):
1.Network control systems –NCS- in real time. Application to ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems)
Cooperative guiding in ITS. Intelligent decision of alternative routes
3.Minimization of multisensor systems in ITS
4.Study of electromagnetic effects in ITS (hybrid, electric)
5.Optimization of high current/voltage sensors in railway environments
6.Fault diagnostic and prevention systems in railway electric substations
Systems and products for the handicapped (AT):
1.Human-machine interfaces in assistive and personal robotis applications
2.Localization systems in assistive and personal robotics applications
3.Mobility systems in assistive and personal robotics applications
Domotics and assistence
5.e-health + independent living
Network sensors and services in assistive and personal robotics applications
Design, implementatio and test of electronic systems (ED):
Tools and methodologies for SoC design automation and SoC development
High computational power scalable architectures based in clusters for parallel processing, based on commercial platforms.
Platforms and sensor systems based on FPGAs for image and signal processing
Electronic and communication systems in intelligent spaces and transportation systems (EC):
Sensor and communication networks in intelligent spaces
Train-station communications
Monitoring and control in the railway infraestructure and on board material