
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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    Computational burden resulting from image recognition of high resolution radar sensors

    TítuloComputational burden resulting from image recognition of high resolution radar sensors
    Tipo de publicaciónJournal Article
    Año de publicación2013
    AutoresLopez, P, Fernández, R, Rufo, E, Bravo, I, Lazaro, JL, Gardel, A
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Revista académicaSensors
    Páginas5381-f 5402
    Fecha de publicación04/2013
    Lugar de publicaciónSuiza
    Palabras clavehigh resolution radar; radar imagery; ISAR; target recognition; computational burden; NCC

    This paper presents a methodology for high resolution radar image generation and automatic target recognition emphasizing the computational cost involved in the process. In order to obtain focused inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) images certain signal processing algorithms must be applied to the information sensed by the radar. From actual data collected by radar the stages and algorithms needed to obtain ISAR images are revised, including high resolution range profile generation, motion compensation and ISAR formation. Target recognition is achieved by comparing the generated set of actual ISAR images with a database of ISAR images generated by electromagnetic software. High resolution radar image generation and target recognition processes are burdensome and time consuming, so to determine the most suitable implementation platform the analysis of the computational complexity is of great interest. To this end and since target identification must be completed in real time, computational burden of both processes the generation and comparison with a database is explained separately. Conclusions are drawn about implementation platforms and calculation efficiency in order to reduce time consumption in a possible future implementation.

    sensors-13-053811.pdf4.14 MB

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