Title | Mobile Robot Geometry Initialization from Single Camera |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Año de publicación | 2007 |
Autores | Pizarro, D, Mazo, M, Santiso, E, Hashimoto, H |
Idioma de publicación | English |
Conference Name | 6th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics - FSR 2007 Field and Service Robotics Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics |
Volumen | 42 |
Páginas | 10 |
Editorial | Springer |
Conference Location | Chamonix France |
Fecha de publicación | 12/2007 |
URL | http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00198431/en/ |
Abstract | {U}sing external cameras to achieve robot localization has been widely proposed in the area of {I}ntelligent {S}paces. {R}ecently, an online approach that simultaneously obtains robot’s pose and its 3{D} structure using a single external camera has been developed [8]. {S}uch proposal relies on a proper initialization of pose and structure information of the robot. {T}he present paper proposes a solution to initialization which consists of retrieving 3{D} structure and motion of a rigid object from a set of point matches measured by the camera. {A} batch {S}tructure from {M}otion ({SFM}) approach is proposed along a short path. {B}y incorporating odometry information available in the robot, the ambiguity generated by a single view in the solution is solved. {W}e propose to describe robot’s motion and image detection as statistical processes in which the uncertainty is properly modelled. {U}sing a {G}aussian equivalence of the processes involved, the {SFM} cost function is expressed as a {M}aximum {L}ikelihood optimization. {T}he paper shows the improvements of the approach in the presence of the usual odometry drift noise, compared with those using {E}uclidean distance as a likelihood. {T}he proposed method is assessed on synthetic and real data. |