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    Robot and Obstacles Localization and Tracking with an External Camera Ring

    TitleRobot and Obstacles Localization and Tracking with an External Camera Ring
    Publication TypeConference Paper
    Año de publicación2008
    AutoresPizarro, D, Marron, M, Peon, D, Mazo, M, Garcia, JC, Sotelo, MA, Santiso, E
    Idioma de publicaciónEnglish
    Conference Name2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA08)
    Conference LocationPasadena, California (USA)
    Fecha de publicación05/2008
    Numero ISBN978-1-4244-1647-9
    Numero ISSN1050-4729
    AbstractIn this paper a ring of calibrated and synchronized
    cameras is used for achieving robot and obstacle localization
    inside a common observed area. To avoid complex appearance
    matching derived from the wide-baseline arrangement of cameras,
    a metric occupancy grid is obtained by intersection of
    silhouettes projected onto the floor. A particle filter is proposed
    for tracking multiple objects by using the grid as observation
    data. A clustering algorithm is included in the filter to increase
    the robustness and adaptability of the multimodal estimation
    task. To preserve identity of the robot from the set of tracked
    objects, odometry readings are used to compute a Maximum
    Likelihood (ML) global trajectory identification. As a proof of
    concept, real results are obtained in a long sequence with a
    mobile robot moving in a human-cluttered scene.

    2008-icra-pizarro.pdf795.56 KB

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