
Departamento de electronica Universidad de Alcala

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D. Jimenez, D. Pizarro, y S. Behnke, «Linear Plane Border. A Primitive for Range Images Combining Depth Edges and Surface Points», in 8th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2013), Barceloma , 2013, vol. 1, 1 vol., p. 1-4.
A. Marcos, D. Pizarro, M. Marron, y M. Mazo, «Captura de movimiento y reconocimiento de actividades para múltiples personas mediante un enfoque bayesiano», Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial. RIAII, vol. 10, n.º. 2, p. 170-177, 2013.
A. Gardel, I. Bravo, P. A. Revenga, y J. L. Lazaro, «Implementation od industrial automation laboratories for E- learning», International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education , vol. 49, n.º. 4, p. 402-418, 2012.
M. Martinez, J. Garcia, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, y J. L. Lazaro, «Detección y seguimiento de personas basado en esterrovisión y filtro de Kalma», Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial (RIAI) , vol. 9, n.º. 4, p. 453-461, 2012.
D. Rodríguez, M. Martinez, J. García, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, y J. L. Lazaro, «Detección y seguimiento de personas basado en esterrovisión y filtro de Kalman», Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial , vol. 9, n.º. 4, p. 453-461, 2012.
H. Garcia, F. J. Pereda, J. M. Giron, y F. Espinosa, «UAV attitude estimation using unscented kalman filter and TRIAD», IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 59, n.º. 11, p. 4456-4474, 2012.
M. Martinez, et al., «Electric Vehicle consumption estimation base don heuristic and milp artificial neural netwoork», in EUROPEAN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CONGRESS 2012 EEVC , Bruselas, Belgica, 2012, p. 1-4.
H. Garcia de Marina, F. Pereda, J. M. Giron, y F. Espinosa, «UAV attitude estimation using unscented kalman filter and TRIAD.», IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 59, n.º. 11, p. 4465 - 4474, 2012.
J. García, A. Gardel, I. Bravo, P. A. Revenga, y J. L. Lazaro, «Implementation od industrial automation laboratories for E- learning», International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education , vol. 49, n.º. 4, p. 402-418, 2012.
C. Santos, M. M. Jr, y F. Espinosa, «Adaptive self-triggered control of a remotely operated robot.», in TAROS-2012. 13th Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, Bristol, UK, 2012, p. 1-4.
M. Manzano, F. Espinosa, A. M. Bravo, D. Garcia, I. Bravo, y A. Gardel, «Medium access control based on non-cooperative cognitive radio for platooning communications.», in IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. IV ’12 , Alcala de Henares, Madrid , 2012, p. 408-413.
G. Calandrini, A. Gardel, P. A. Revenga, y J. L. Lázaro, «GPU acceleration on embedded device, a powor consumption approach», in Third International Symposium on Advances in Embedded Systems and Applications, Liverpool, UK, 2012, p. 1-4.
D. Jimenez, D. Pizarro, M. Mazo, y S. Palazuelos, «Modelling and Correction of Multipath Interference in Time of Flight Camera», in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2012), Providence, Rhode Island. Estados Unidos , 2012, vol. 1, 1 vol., p. 1-4.
C. Diego, A. Hernández, A. Jiménez, S. Holm, y J. Aparicio, «Effect of CDMA technique with Kasami codes on ultrasonic-image quality parameters», in 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2012), Graz, Austria, 2012, vol. 1, 1 vol., p. 1-4.
E. García, et al., «MLS Sequences with Flexible ZCZ Length and their Application to Local Positioning Systems», in 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2012), Graz, Austria, 2012, vol. 1, 1 vol., p. 1-4.

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